Write for Women On Top - Contributor Guidelines

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Thanks for your interest in writing for Women On Top. Our editorial mission is to become the place where ambitious leaders and entrepreneurs can find information, advice, insights and inspiration for building and investing in the next generation of value-led businesses.

What is a contributed content?

Contributed content is an article or blog that you write and submit to us to publish on the Women On Top website.

The benefit is that you can reach a wider audience with your message.

What should I know?

  • Write for our audience. Our audience is mainly ambitious women professionals who either run their own business or side-hustle, are planning on starting a business or are in leadership roles at work.

  • Craft a fresh article with actionable takeaways. Your article must be original and not posted elsewhere. We suggest that you read recent published articles on similar topics to ensure you have a fresh angle or new perspective.

  • Avoid self-promotion in the article. Your author bio is the place to list your achievements and encourage traffic to your website.

  • Images make a huge difference. We encourage you to include videos and other visual content with your article.

  • Embed links and credit third-party sources. Please link to all original sources for work that you reference in your article, and ensure that you are giving credit to any included sources.

  • Here is the list of topics that we cover:

    • Business News and Trends

    • Management and Leadership

    • Startups and Entrepreneurship

    • Money and Investing

    • Careers and Work

    • Politics and Causes

    • Health and Wellbeing

    • Sustainability

How do I submit a post?

Please complete this form. You will be able to attach your completed draft and accompanying visuals.

What happens next?

We will contact you within two weeks to let you know if your submission has been accepted and when your article will be published.

Got a question you don’t see an answer to? Send an email to faqs@thewotpod.com and we’ll get back to you asap.

Do you pay writers?

We pay journalists and freelance writers for commissioned features and opinion pieces. Find out how to pitch to us here.


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