Be a Guest on the Women On Top Podcast

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Thanks for your interest in appearing on the Women On Top podcast. The podcast format is a weekly interview where host Frankie Cotton speaks with women leaders in all walks of life about business, non-profits, money, careers and entrepreneurship.

What should I know?

  • Spots are limited! A weekly podcast produces just 52 episodes a year (and that’s without holidays or breaks). Your pitch matters as it helps you to stand out from the crowd.

  • Speak to our audience. Our audience is mainly ambitious women professionals who either run their own business or side-hustle, are planning on starting a business or are in leadership roles at work.

  • What’s your unique perspective? What’s your story? We’re always looking for fresh angles for conversation on the podcast. Listen to episodes that discuss similar topics and experiences to yours - what new perspective can you contribute? How can you help the conversation to evolve?

  • Personal experiences matter. The human side of running a business or leading a campaign is as important as the practical advice. What’s your personal story?

How do I put myself forward?

Please complete this form. We will get back to you within three weeks if your pitch has been successful for the next cohort of episodes.

If you don’t hear from us straight away, we may get in touch in the future when a slot has become available.

How is the podcast recorded?

Since COVID-19, we’ve been recording all our podcast episodes remotely. All you need is a laptop, a good internet connection and some headphones.

All the setup details will be sent to you before your recording session.

Got a question you don’t see an answer to? Send an email to and we’ll get back to you asap.


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How to Pitch to Women On Top