Crowdfunding Now: Vegan Home Delivery, Wardrobe Swaps and Better Financial Choices

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Every week we bring you a selection of businesses created by diverse founders that are equity crowdfunding right now. Here’s this week’s selection.

1. The Brook

Starting as a vegan restaurant, The Brook is bringing quality vegan food to UK households via their eCommerce platform and home delivery service. The service is designed to cater for a flexitarian, environmentally conscious generation.

The Brook enables customers to build their own box of 8 plant-based dishes and have it delivered regularly, straight to their doorstep. This is a recurring subscription that customers can cancel at anytime, with free UK delivery, and costs £45.

The Brook’s online orders increased 9 x during Covid-19 lockdown and the company has won 2 x Great Taste awards.

Key facts:

  • CEO - Thea Brook (majority shareholder at 81% pre-investment)

  • Incorporation date - 8 May 2018

  • Target Investment - £350,000 (currently overfunding)

  • Investment type - Convertible (20% discount)

  • Crowdfund close date - 26 September 2020

  • Matched funding applied from Future Fund

2. Nuw

Nuw is providing UK consumers with an alternative way to enjoy clothes by breaking up with fast fashion.

Using the Nuw app you can borrow pieces from other users, lend your own wardrobe and permanently swap the pieces you’re ready to part with. So far Nuw has achieved 3800 registered users with 880 borrows and swaps to date.

The business model is a subscription fee, with monthly, 3 month and 6 month options available. All borrowing and swapping is free.

Key facts:

  • CEO - Aisling Byrne (majority shareholder at 75.8% pre-investment)

  • Incorporation date - 3 May 2018

  • Target Investment - £115,003

  • Investment type - Equity

  • Valuation (pre-money) - £1.5M

  • Crowdfund close date - 24 October 2020

  • Matched funding applied from Future Fund

3. Boring Money

Boring Money is on a mission to help people make better financial choices. Since launching in 2015, Boring Money has combined simple facts, comparison tools and customer reviews to help people make better choices. 

In 2019, Boring Money achieved £1M+ revenue and 400,000 unique site visitors. The addressable market is an estimated 16M investors and 5M cash savers.

Key facts:

  • CEO - Holly Mackay

  • Incorporation date - 26 February 2015

  • Target Investment - £300,000 (currently overfunding)

  • Investment type - Equity

  • Valuation (pre-money) - £8M

  • Crowdfund close date - 15 October 2020


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