Crowdfunding Now: Healthcare Improvement, Money Saving App and Plant-based Cuisine

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Every week we bring you a selection of businesses created by diverse founders that are equity crowdfunding right now. Here’s this week’s selection.

1. ImproveWell

Designed by healthcare, for healthcare, ImproveWell is a digital staff engagement solution for improving quality. Giving all staff a voice, ImproveWell helps leaders to improve staff experience and the quality of patient care from the ground up.

Evidence suggests that the frontline is best-placed to improve the systems they work in and that a happier workforce leads to better outcomes and improved performance. COVID-19 has also brought rapid learning in healthcare to the fore.

Utilising three feedback systems, 24/7 everyone can:

  1. Suggest ideas for improvement

  2. Share how their day at work is going to track workforce sentiment

  3. Complete pulse surveys

A data dashboard captures real-time data, identifies trends, prioritises improvements and publish reports to complete the feedback loop.

Key facts:

  • CEO - Lara Mott

  • Incorporation date - 28 September 2016

  • Target Investment - £150,000 (currently overfunding)

  • Investment type - Equity

  • Crowdfund close date - 22 October 2020

2. Snoop

Snoop was created with the aim of saving every household in the UK at least £1,500 each year.

Snoop is an app that tracks your spending and advises you if you’re paying too much or there’s a price hike. It works 24/7, looking over your spending and spotting clever ways you can save.

Since launching in 2019, Snoop has:

  • Grown to over 100,000 downloads and 75,000 customers

  • Connected our customers to 50 banks and credit card companies

  • Delivered over 1 million ‘Snoops’ (money-saving and money-management tips) to their customers

  • Been voted a Top 50 Fintech in Europe

Key facts:

  • CEO - Dame Jayne-Anne Gadhia

  • Incorporation date - 31 January 2019

  • Target Investment - £5,000,000 (currently overfunding)

  • Investment type - Convertible (20% discount)

  • Valuation (pre-money) - £25M

  • Crowdfund close date - 30 October 2020

  • Matched funding applied from Future Fund

3. Stem & Glory

Stem & Glory is on a mission to disrupt both the world of plant-based food and the traditional hospitality model. Their omnichannel business model serves accessible plant-based cuisine, across a wide variety of channels, paving the way for healthier and more conscious ways of living.

Throughout lockdown, Stem & Glory developed new business models which spans in-store dining, delivery, click & collect, and ready meals. In 2020, Stem & Glory was awarded ‘Most Investable Concept’ by the Global Restaurant Investment Forum (GRIF).

Key facts:

  • CEO - Louise Palmer-Masterton (67% shareholding pre-investment)

  • Incorporation date - 16 November 2017

  • Target Investment - £40,000 (currently overfunding)

  • Investment type - Convertible (30% discount)

  • Valuation (pre-money) - £2.4M

  • Crowdfund close date - 5 October 2020


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